D. R. Kivell
Brand design, print design
As the premier country property agents in Devon and Cornwall, D. R. Kivell asked us to give their branding a contemporary refresh. Being one of the most recognisable names in the South West country homes, farms and estates markets, elements of the brand were important to transition across with the new identity, including the well known ‘Kivell’ green.

Brand review
Working closely with D. R. Kivell throughout the process, we not only identified elements to stay, but also aspects of the original brand which were less relevant or necessary now. One of the key parts to this was the name and strapline – formerly old fashioned and a bit of a mouthful, we dropped this from ‘D. R. Kivell & Partners, Country Property Specialists’ to ‘D. R. Kivell, Country Property’, with the knowledge that clients were already shortening the name and a view to potentially transition further to simply ‘D. R. K.’ In future if clients are noticeably abbreviating further.

After exploring numerous options for the perfect contemporary typeface, we settled on a custom hybrid font – removing the serifs on a distinctive but traditional font meant we kept the feel of a longstanding and well trusted business, while bringing it up to date. Pairing with a modern sans serif for the strapline further emphasise this.

Print design
Along with other print collateral, we designed a luxury feel property brochure, with plenty of space for images to speak for themselves. The key was for the brochures to not feel overcrowded with text heavy pages and small images. Instead, we used a landscape format which allows for featured photographs of a property to be displayed over two pages, with copy almost becoming secondary.
The brochures needed to be produced both in print and digitally for the website. We found a simple digital flip book solution, that allowed the relevant brochure to be viewed on each property page.